New CHOCOLATE AWARDS Categories Added – International Chocolate Salon
TasteTV and the International Chocolate Salon, producers of the Original and Premier Artisan Chocolate events and competitions in North America, are pleased to announce that based on Industry requests, we have added two additional Chocolate Awards categories for 2013.· Best WHITE Chocolate· Best Chocolate BEVERAGERegistration ends on May 20th for the 2013 Chocolate Award Competitions for the following categories:Image removed by sender.· Best Chocolate BAR· Best CARAMEL· Top TOFFEE· Best BRIDAL ChocolatesChocolatiers and Confectioners can register or get more information for these juried product-submission competitions (not events) using the forms at or at www.LuxuryChocolateAwards.comTasteTV Events include: The San Francisco International Chocolate SalonThe Los Angeles Luxury Chocolate SalonThe Chicago Chocolate SalonThe Seattle Luxury Chocolate SalonThe TASTE AWARDSFollow us on Facebook TasteTV and Chocolate News Updates...