Pelosi’s Secret Weapon in Health Care Debate: Chocolate

According to the New York Times:In recent days, Ms. Pelosi and other Democratic leaders have experienced extraordinary tumult as they weathered criticism of the legislation from the fiscally conservative Blue Dog Coalition on the right, and then from more progressive lawmakers who revolted against some of the compromises made to appease the Blue Dogs.“You’ve had difficult meetings all week,” a reporter said. “Can you tell us about your methods to reach consensus?”In an unguarded moment, Ms. Pelosi, whose deft political maneuvers catapulted her through the ranks of the House Democratic leadership to make her the first woman speaker in United States history, shared her secret.“Chocolate,” she said.And she was only half-kidding. Ms. Pelosi, who represents San Francisco, keeps stashes of Ghirardelli chocolate squares strategically placed throughout her suite of offices in the Capitol.That's San Francisco style politics ... use gourmet foods to put your foes at ease.TasteTV Events include: The San Francisco International Chocolate Salon The...
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Chocolate SEIZURE: The Ultimate Wine for Chocolate Lovers

Chocolate Seizure Wine:The TasteTV final public tasting event at Crushpad to create "The Ultimate Wine for Chocolate Lovers," was a success, and the winning blend was a 2007 Cabernet Sauvignon, which received the vast majority of votes. WIth only 300 bottles available, this will be very special wine to savor with the best dark chocolate. www.ChocolateSeizure.comTasteTV Events include: The San Francisco International Chocolate Salon The Los Angeles Luxury Chocolate Salon The Chicago Chocolate SalonThe Seattle Luxury Chocolate SalonThe New Media Tastemakers Summit This blog from the contributors, producers and correspondents at TasteTV at technorati tags:TasteTV, restaurants, video, content, food, Chocolate, wine, recipes, cooking, Restaurant Reviews, Chef, ITV, fashion, seafoodTasteTV and Chocolate News Updates...
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National Chocolate Mint Day

Subscribe to RSS headline updates from: Powered by FeedBurner National Chocolate Mint DayKoinaYUM! ®Juicy Food News & CultureUSA– Today is National Chocolate Mint Day. What’s that, you didn’t know?Apparently, neither did the other 6 billion people on the planet. It appears the Oompa Loompas at the National Confectioners Association are insiduously slipping sugar-coated holidays into International Calendars in hopes of sparking a worldwide candy revolution. I can hear their little proletariat voices chanting in some underground cavern of a seemingly innocent candy factory, “VIVA LA DOLCE!!! VIVA LA DOLCE!!! VIVA LA DOLCE!!!“ This year alone; the Oompas have managed to slip these highly addictive dates into the past six weeks: National Chocolate Covered Cherry Day - Jan, 3rdNational English Toffee Day - Jan, 8thNational Peanut Brittle Day -Jan, 26thNational Gum Drop Day - Feb, 15th And its only February! Can National Gummi Worm Day be far away? (check your calendars, its July 15th) But since we’re such...
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The Chocolate Times

TasteTV and Chocolate Television fans: As beneficial as good chocolate is to humans, the same cannot be said for the animal world. Greedy parrot suffers death by chocolate One kea's binge session on dark chocolate proved deadly, leading international journal New Scientist has reported. The kea was found dead outside a hotel kitchen in Mt Cook village. It had eaten more than 20 grams of dark chocolate, presumably stolen from a rubbish bin. Chocolate to be used to control wild dogs DEATH by chocolate could provide a new method of pest control, scientists say.OTHER CHOCOLATE NEWSSubscribe to RSS headline updates from: Powered by FeedBurner This TasteTV Celebrity Chefs Update comes from the latest news online about what the TasteTV TasteMakers Social Club say they want to know here and at technorati tags:TasteTV, restaurants, video, content, food, Chocolate, wine, recipes, cooking, Restaurant Reviews, Chef, ITV, fashion, celebrity chefTasteTV and Chocolate News Updates...
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